Change the world through service.

Love MCC’s mission is to share Christ’s love through everything we do. We are blessed with powerful opportunities to embody those goals in our ministries. Our ministries of worship, education, and service have had a profound impact on the lives of our members, and our friends in the community and around the world. This church has the opportunity to grow in faith and love in extraordinary ways, and we believe that God is calling us to embrace that future.

Currently we are looking for volunteers to help during worship services, including, but not limited to, reading scriptures, prayers, ushers & greeters, and video live streaming the services. We also need folks to help in our hospitality ministry setting up before and after services for the coffee and refreshments, and cleaning the sanctuary and Rainbow Room hospitality room. We have ongoing classes coming up in creative arts and other types of classes and will need individuals to help with set up and tear down, etc. If you would be interested in volunteering your time and talents, use the form below to contact us.

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